The role of Luvina Academy
The role of Luvina Academy
The role of Luvina Academy
The role of Luvina Academy
The role of Luvina Academy

for Luvina

In order to grow the employees according to the predetermined plan and ensure the uniform quality standards of personnel, since 2008 we have continuously organized IT training courses at LUVINA ACADEMY with an average frequency of 2 courses per year for pre-graduate IT students and students from other faculties such as electronics, construction, mechanics, finance, economics, foreign trade, etc.
Luvina Academy is not just a school, it is a battlefield to fill the gap between the School and the Company. Here, the students are trained to give up the immaturity students' thinking and become maturer in society. They will have basic soft skills and techniques to start working and understand the value of Japanese culture, as well as the strict requirements of the Japanese market.

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Curriculum in

Luvina Academy

Duration: 6 months, 5 lessons / week, 4 hours / lesson.
The subject of the training is elementary Japanese, Vietnamese. The sutdents will be teached how to make an accurate, concise and clear expression; Japanese working method such as reporting, communication, discussion, quality consciousness; Basic IT like database, computer network; basic programming like Java Core, J2EE; practical software development process based on CMMI3, ISO 9001, ISO 27001; develop web applications using J2EE.
After 6 months of training, and honing on the "battlefield" LUVINA ACADEMY, the trainees will be granted a graduation certificate and become a real "warrior", suitable with the cultural characteristics of the Japanese goods and quality.

Curriculum in
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